jueves, 7 de junio de 2018

Brazil’s President to change mining regulations as early as next week

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MINING.com - your source for global mining news
Mining News Digest
Friday 8 June 2018
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Michel Temer is expected to issue a decree next week introducing key changes to mining rules that date back to the 1960s.

Moscow company's update on Sukhoi Log project envisages annual production of 1.6 million ounces for 35 years at less than $500 per ounce.

Labour negotiations in the copper mining industry still left to resolve – including Escondida – represent about 2.6 million tonnes out of global copper supply.

The companies are committed to explore for mineral deposits first in the Asian country and then the rest of the world .

The takeover offer, which expires next week, offers great exploration potential because Avanco owns a vast landholding in the copper and iron ore-rich Carajás region, second only to giant Vale.

Energy policy has almost never fallen perfectly along party lines, especially in the era of Trump.

The exchange said in March that any launch of a new cobalt contract would not be until the end of 2018 or early 2019.

ScotiaMocatta is curtailing lending to the physical metals supply chain and would refocus on major corporate clients.

Are the dark days for platinum set to last?

Sparsely-populated Botswana is the world's top diamond producer by value.

Quebec's energy ministry said it ordered Hydro Quebec to hold off on new digital currency mining operations until regulators set new roles for the industry.

Fortescue said it had agreed to buy a 15 percent stake in Atlas at A$0.04 per share, or A$55.7 million.

Sibanye has faced strong criticism from unions, local media and the government after the earthquake at its Driefontein gold mine that killed the miners.

BCL mine group, which has been under liquidation since 2016, is selling its 51 percent stake in Maibwe Diamonds for an undisclosed amount.

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