jueves, 7 de junio de 2018

Angola eases controls over diamond sector, to double output in four years

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Africa News Digest
Friday 8 June 2018
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President Joao Lourenço said changes aim at attracting more investment, increasing production and securing higher government revenue.

The miner's Zimbabwean subsidiary, Zimplats, has released 23,903 hectares of its mining claims to the government.

Area is close to the Venetia mine, operated by De Beers, which delivers around 40% of South Africa's annual diamond production.

The plant is expected to improve B2Gold's economic returns, reduce impacts on the environment and become a potential funding source for community development.

Even best-case, mass early roll-out of new cobalt-light batteries won't solve cobalt supply issues says new report.

Top supplier of battery raw material ups output 34% year on year.

The company, which began operations a year ago, said the move seeks to strengthen its communication with key stake holders and consumers.

While the global mining industry is quickly becoming more digitally mature, that transformation continues to focus on productivity and profitability, rather than on much needed innovation, a new study shows.

After vowing for over a century it would never sell stones made in laboratories, De Beers will start doing so in September.

Large scale speculators in platinum futures go shortest ever as Europe industrial policy chief says "diesel cars are finished".

McKinsey asks if the availability and rising prices of cobalt, lithium, copper and nickel will constrain greater electric vehicle penetration.

The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) said the company failed to take precautions two avoid injuries at its mines earlier this week.

Congo's prime minister wants to immediately implement the new mining code without any concessions to industry demands that key provisions be amended.

The South African company, which competes with AngloGold , Gold Fields and Sibanye-Stillwater at home, sold 55 million new shares, or 15 percent stake, at 19.12 rand each, an 11.7 percent discount to the closing price on Tuesday.

The South African Reserve Bank forecasts the economy will expand 1.7 percent this year in 2019 and 2 percent in 2020.

The proceeds will be used to used to pay down part of Harmony Gold's outstanding $150 million bridge loan for the Moab Khotsong mine.

Mines Minister Winston Chitando had last month promised to remove the requirements, which he said caused panic among foreign mining firms.

The decision is a setback for the Swiss commodity trader, which is facing multiple disputes in the central African nation.

The mine has probable reserves of 5 million tons at a grade of 31 carats per 100 tons and inferred resources of 10.3 million tons at 31 carats per 100 tons.

Tharisa would join Karo Resources, founded by mining entrepreneur Loucas Pouroulis, in building the mine.

Sibanye had net debt of 23.7 billion rand ($1.9 billion) at the end of December.

Gold mining giants in Ghana such as Newmont, Gold Fields and AngloGold Ashanti welcome new government tests to certify the value of their exports.

Regulations to implement the new code are due to be signed into law next week.

The South African gold producer is setting aside pursuit of new acquisitions for a year as it focuses on its existing operations and nearby prospects instead, the bullion producer's chief executive told Reuters late on Tuesday.

Neighboring Guinea is now China's largest supplier of bauxite after overtaking Australia in 2017.

The mining companies insist the government reinsert a stability clause, present in the former code.

Fighting between the Congolese army and a local militia in eastern DRC forced Banro to suspend operations at the Namoya gold mine for a month in mid-2017.

Demand for electric vehicles, using cobalt in batteries, could spark a deficit of cobalt as soon as 2022.

Despite its insatiable appetite for materials, India is yet to impose itself among the mining heavyweights like Australia, China or even the U.K.

With new technologies providing opportunities for growth, mining companies are preparing to launch into a new wave of investment.

Petra has been hit by production delays, strikes, a confiscated consignment of diamonds and a strong South African rand.

Signet Jewelers is the first diamond ornaments maker to join De Beers-led blockchain pilot program, Tracr.

Mining companies would have have to contribute 1 percent of their annual turnover to a new community development agency.

ArcelorMittal's South Africa unit will sell its 50 percent stake in trading and shipping company MIHBV to its joint venture partner MacHold.

Guinea's President Alpha Conde appointed a new 33-member cabinet in which Abdoulaye Magassouba was retained as mines and geology minister.

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