viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

Eldorado downgrade; Electrum, Southern Silver commit to new Cerro Las Mintas drilling; Softbank invests in Nemaska

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Eldorado downgraded on project execution risk, cash use
Upside possibility unlikely in the mid-term
Where are the opportunities for miners in the current financing framework?
Mining Journal and partners discuss the findings of Mining Journal's inaugural Global Finance Report
Mining in Trump's America: boom or bust?
US-based miners look to be able to do anything in Trumpland if they're also in a friendly state
30 of the best Mining Projects in the world will be revealed in June
Discover the latest global exploration and development investment opportunities.
Electrum, SSV plot new Cerro Las Minitas drilling
JV partners seek to expand promising resource
Pacton moves into Pilbara in modest looking deal
Ground being joint ventured to Canadian by Arrow Minerals
Americas Market Insight
Tech firm SoftBank invests in Nemanska Lithium

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