viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

Australian exploration tax incentive falls short; Trump's impact on US mining; New CFO for Pembridge

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Mining in Trump's America: boom or bust?
US-based miners look to be able to do anything in Trumpland if they're also in a friendly state
Endomines March quarter output down on challenging geology
Equipment issues also impacted production
Exploration tax incentives miss target
Plans ignore the poor correlation between discovery and development
30 of the best Mining Projects in the world will be revealed in June
Discover the latest global exploration and development investment opportunities.
Petrov joins Black Sea search
Experienced geologist to lead junior's exploration efforts
Electrum, SSV plot new Cerro Las Minitas drilling
JV partners seek to expand promising resource
World Markets Insight
Eldorado downgraded on project execution risk, cash use

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Define the current and future mining landscape in Sydney from 14-15 May
Join us as we discuss the strategic direction of the industry and the drivers for future growth.
Pembridge hires CFO
Paul Fenby joins from Asia Resource Minerals
BHP confirms WCA exit
Major met coal producer leaves World Coal Association over 'differences'
Evolution pursues life beyond Cowal rebuild
Lots of poor mining M&A recently, but Evolution's Cowal buy an exception
ResourceStocks Sydney: highlighting new trends & hot commodities from 16-17 May
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