lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019

Miners try to move away from fossil fuels — report

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Coal News Digest
Tuesday 5 February 2019
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A research report by Wood Mackenzie states that electrification and automation will be a key priority for global mining companies.

Shares in the company lost a fifth of their value on Friday as investors were sceptical of its foreign subsidiary Cairn India Holdings' $200 million investment in the diversified miner.

Mining companies now need to determine how to operate in a market that is characterized by rising stakeholder demands, a widening talent gap, as well as dwindling access to key inputs such as energy and water, says Deloitte in its latest annual report.

In Q2 2019, analysts expect investment levels across the European mining sector will be sluggish.

Copper production reached a five-year high, more than offsetting output declines at Minas Rio in Brazil and Kumba in South Africa.

But only sliver of funds raised destined for mining and metals

Based on answers from 51 senior executives, lawyers White & Case say that trade tensions are the second largest challenge for the mining industry in 2019 and reveal what the underlying full-picture looks like.

Fuel diversity is the increasingly overlooked but deeply important element of a reliable supply of power.

"A First Nations' voice to parliament is a meaningful step towards reconciliation," BHP Chief Executive Officer Andrew Mackenzie said.

Our target market is the southern African region at 1.2 million tons per annum, using a combination of road and rail transport.

"We need Eskom to be made into a much more efficient, cost-effective organisation"

GoviEx Uranium is studying the possibility of powering its flagship Madaouela project in Niger using a renewable hybrid solar power solution.

The number of electric vehicles will increase 1,389% – to 125 million from three million – by 2030.

The fiscus doesn't have space for endless bailouts.

"We believe that clarity, compensation payments, and a relatively long phase-out period should trigger a re-rating for the company's conventional power generation," said analyst Guido Hoymann.

Only eight out of 115 workers voted in favor of a strike, much less than the overall worker majority required for a legal strike.

Analysts say they expect India to be a key market for global miners in 2019 as China's "war on pollution" will lead to lower demand from that country.

How much is a tree worth?

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