miércoles, 30 de enero de 2019

Rethinking mining strategies among the top-10 global trends to shape 2019

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MINING.com - your source for global mining news
Mining News Digest
Wednesday 30 January 2019
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Mining companies now need to determine how to operate in a market that is characterized by rising stakeholder demands, a widening talent gap, as well as dwindling access to key inputs such as energy and water, says Deloitte in its latest annual report.

Two other engineers, who worked for Germany's TUEV SUED on a contract where they attested to the safety of the Vale dam, were arrested in Sao Paulo.

Federal Court said BHP must pay tax in Australia on profits made by its Singapore-based marketing arm on the sale of commodities owned by the UK arm.

The precious gemstones miner has agreed, on a no-admission-of-liability basis, to settle claims brought against it by a group of 273 Mozambicans related to its ruby mine in northern Mozambique.

The 191.46-carat stone was found earlier this month at the company's Udachny mining and processing division.

Exploration in British Columbia hit paydirt on Monday.

Newcrest said it continues to expect gold production in the second half of the year to be higher than the first half due to fewer planned shutdowns.

The number of electric vehicles will increase 1,389% – to 125 million from three million – by 2030.

Chief Executive Fabio Schvartsman said Vale would halt operations using those dams and spend 5 billion reais ($1.3 billion) to decommission them.

The current program is planned in two phases totaling about 5,000 metres.

The project has a $241 million after-tax net present value.

"sleepwalking into a tsunami of oversupply"

The line would connect gas fields in western Canada's prolific Montney shale formation with the C$40 billion LNG Canada project on British Columbia's coast.

"Our actions are designed to sustain and create jobs, grow the economy, and contribute more to the treasury."

Bolsonaro and his cabinet are swiftly dialing back promises of deregulation.

The International Coalition of Large Dams (ICOLD) group "is recommending that dams, especially large dams, be built by dam professionals.

Originally 14 were missing, but some were rescued within several hours of the tremor.

Indonesian officials targeting 20% EV production by 2025.

The fiscus doesn't have space for endless bailouts.

The best way to sum up 2018 is this – it was a record year for Nucor

"Negotiations may or may not continue," the company said in statement.

The price outlook is improving at a time when demand for gold's cheaper cousin is poised to top production for a seventh straight year.

An investigation is ongoing into suspected abuse of power – that former finance minister Bayartsogt held shares in a foreign company before the Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement.

"Historically it was a world-class producer, so we know cobalt is there."

On Saturday TUEV SUED told Reuters it had not found the dam to be damaged when it was inspected last September.

Aura states that an 865,000 tonne inferred ore zone grading 119 g/t silver and a 3.3 million tonne inferred ore zone averaging 0.51 g/t gold has been outlined by 14 drill holes at the project.

"Before pointing out fingers we need to see what happened first"

Since mining began in 2012 at Karowe, a total of 43 diamonds heavier than 200 carats have been recovered, including 12 stones larger than 300 carats.

For the entire Kiena complex, the measured and indicated resource is 1.0 million tonnes grading 6.38 g/t gold for 211.100 contained oz.

Sherritt owns 50% of the Moa joint venture, and at Ambatovy it is the operator and holder of a 12% interest.

Gratton was the latest executive to tell Greater Vancouver Board of Trade members that Canada's competitiveness on the world stage is slipping.

"The fact is that Vale's share drop was even steeper than some market participants expected"

48 people have been identified so far, as work continues in the area.

Core from work at the tonalitic plug returned 31.55 g/t gold over 1.6 metre.

The company was not carrying out mining exploration at the site.

Inferred resources add 400,400 tonnes averaging 434 grams silver, 1.34 grams gold, 2.86% lead and 2.97% zinc.

1 Day Spot Gold Price
1 Month Copper Price
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