miércoles, 30 de enero de 2019

Iron ore prices are flying

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MINING.com - your source for global mining news
Mining News Digest
Thursday 31 January 2019
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Vale production cuts could have "outsized" impact in shorter term with spot prices predicted to return to $100-plus per tonne in summer.

"Central bank buying alone gets it to $1,425" – Goldman Sachs head of commodity research Jeff Currie.

And that's all the way to 2050.

Brazilian authorities and companies involved with river water management are trying to stop the torrent of mining waste from reaching the Sao Francisco river, a source of drinking water for communities in five of the country's 26 states.

Repair work in the fourth quarter slightly impacted production, but that was more than offset by surging vanadium prices as demand for the metal grows.

UNDP says the Colluli potash project has the potential to significantly boost Eritrea's economy and advance the country's sustainable development agenda.

Company has signed a socio-economic agreement with the government of the Northwest Territories.

Five holes previously drilled by Newmont Mining confirm the existence of a satellite deposit not included in the current NI 43-101.

Vale said it plans to release its fourth quarter earnings report on March 27 rather than Feb. 13 as originally planned.

The layoffs were necessary to combat rising costs at the mine, Anglo American said in a statement.

The company is currently drilling close-spaced holes at the new discovery to better understand its controls and orientation.

We want more people living in this region and calling this home.

Harings takes over at Aurubis on July 1, replacing current CEO Juergen Schachler.

"We need Eskom to be made into a much more efficient, cost-effective organisation"

Miner missing in Rudna mine is alive!

ArcelorMittal owns a steel plant in the central Bosnian town of Zenica where it processes iron ore from its mines in Prijedor in the north of the country.

SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. won't reveal the location of a "serious problem" in its mining business that fueled an epic share rout on Monday.

While lithium spot prices moved only one way in 2018, cobalt experienced more of a rollercoaster ride.

The country's once vibrant exploration activity plummeted after Chavez came to power in 1999 and nationalized foreign companies' mining licenses and assets.

"Current price moves are a knee jerk reaction to the Vale news," said BMO Capital Markets analyst Kash Kamal.

The miner alleges breach of fiduciary obligations, abuse of trust, theft, and fraud.

GoviEx Uranium is studying the possibility of powering its flagship Madaouela project in Niger using a renewable hybrid solar power solution.

The company says the refinery successfully leached 98% of the metal from the cobalt hydroxide with head grades in excess of 20% cobalt.

New mid-grade products helped lift output amid worries of slowing Chinese growth.

28 geotechnical holes are to be drilled as part of the resource development phase of work.

Jeff Hussey, describes Pine Point as "unique among its peer group," because of the rarity of open-pit zinc assets.

1 Day Spot Gold Price
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