martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

Review and approve the domain registrant update.

You've got until 10/7/2018 to accept the domain registration change.

You've got 5 days to review and accept the domain registration change.  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 

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fernando quin — Customer Number: 34691731

You've named a new owner for one or more domains.



Looks like you've changed the registrant details for the following domain(s):

When a change like this is made, ICANN — the organization that oversees domain name policies — requires the current and new owner to approve it.

Here's one more ICANN requirement you should know about.
You'll be prompted to opt in or out of a 60-day domain transfer lock. So before you do anything else, check if the new registrant plans on moving the domain(s) during that time.

We won't alter your domain registration info unless we receive your approval by 10/7/2018. You can also cancel this process, and remove the DNS lock, by following this link.





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