miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

China refutes reports accusing it of curbing rare earths output

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MINING.com - your source for global mining news
Mining News Digest
Wednesday 31 October 2018
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Beijing claims rare earth output quotas for the second half of 2018 only appear lower because the limit for the first six months of the year was for a larger portion of the total annual quota.

Following two innovation summits between ICMM members and suppliers, a governance model for collaboration has been designed.

Critical Elements can now deliver a battery grade lithium hydroxide to the electric vehicle market.

China is on track for an annual record and is supporting consumption of raw materials.

Deal is part of Chaarat's intention of becoming a major regional player in Central Asia, with an annual production of 1 million ounces, which aims to reach through acquisitions.

This development is part of the company' s quest to move forward with a rapid lithium extraction technology.

Exploration at the Loner and the Black Star properties was first carried out at the beginning of the 20th century.

The world's largest miner has cut its economic growth forecasts for the world's two biggest economies as the superpowers engage in a "lose-lose" trade spat.

The federal government has announced that it will provide up to 25% of the construction costs for the road through the P3 Canada Fund.

A 40 year old legacy.

A resource estimate for Pickett Mountain is to be released before the end of year based on modelling of historical and recent drill results.

The Valentine Lake project is made up of four open-pittable deposits: Marathon, Leprechaun, Victory and Sprite, but Marathon and Leprechaun contain the vast majority of the gold.

Increased grades expected in Q3 and Q4 of this year.

JFE cuts crude steel output plan due to glitches, heavy rains.

Nyrstar's CFO Michel Abaza said that no decision had yet been taken on how to tackle the company's debt levels but that the board would come back with a decision in the coming months.

Higher demand for aluminum parts in airplanes yields a better-than-expected quarterly profit.

Introducing BHP's Trommel maintenance robot.

The deeper the mine, then the bigger the savings.

Companies need to manage the cost of failure, not the rate of failure.

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