jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018

Altech leads presentation rankings; China's lithium optimism persists; CAML on track for full-year guidance

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China's lithium optimism persists
Benchmark's Albert Li talks price falls, government subsidies and rising EV sales
Mercenary Geologist Fulp bets big on uranium
Market uncertainty prevails as rates set to rise
Altech leads presentation rankings
Shareholder communication can address share-price drift as developers slowly transition into produce
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Harmony signs wage agreements with three unions
Agreement covers 69% of employees, AMCU contract still outstanding
MCSA declares broad support for new mining charter
Still room for improvement on some issues, engagement with Mantashe planned
World Markets Insight
Canada's RNC considering ASX move

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CAML on track for full-year guidance
Good September quarter for both Kounrad and Sasa
Fire torches Syrah's previous graphite output forecasts
Fire cost repair estimated at US$500,000
Japan backs Panoro Peru project
Japanese state agency agrees to copper project farm-in
Future of Mining Welcomes Goldcorp, Vale, Anaconda Mining and Newmont to Denver
Discuss the future mining landscape on a strategic level across the Americas from October 29-30
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