miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Not to be Missed – Biological Impacts of Metal Mining Discharges – Short Course

EduMine - Professional Development and Training for Mining
Biological Impacts of Metal Mining Discharges
Society demands that mining is done in an environmentally-sensitive and sustainable manner. In this course, Dr. Solomon educates mining and environmental professionals about the impacts of metals on fish, other aquatic species, and human health. Through this knowledge, mining and environmental professionals will have a deeper appreciation as to why environmental standards and regulations around metal mining discharges exist. This knowledge should also encourage professionals to make decisions that ensure minimal impact on the environment from metal mining discharges.
Date: 18 - 19 October 2018
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Who Should Attend?
This short course is for mining industry and environmental professionals including engineers, geologists, chemists, biologists, planners, and regulatory staff in a variety of workplace sectors - mining companies, consulting companies, government agencies, academic institutions, and nonprofit organizations.
About the Presenter

Dr. Frances Solomon has more than 25 years of professional experience in environmental agencies, addressing the biological impacts of toxic water pollutants, pollution prevention and control, and protection and restoration of salmon habitat.

Dr. Solomon is passionate about bringing her work experience and knowledge to the classroom. She taught at UBC and enjoys teaching short courses through Edumine and the UBC Mining Studies Institute. She has also taught short courses to environmental professionals in British Columbia, Yukon, Washington State, and Alaska. Dr. Solomon currently teaches environmental science at The Evergreen State College, Tacoma campus and Western Washington University.

Dr. Solomon is a Past-President and current member of the Pacific Northwest chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, and the Washington State chapter of the American Water Resources Association. She is currently President of the Board of Directors of the Coastal Watershed Institute, and is a Past-President and long-time Board member of the Seattle chapter of the Association for Women in Science.

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