martes, 3 de julio de 2018

Alerta de Google: notificación agrupada diaria

In the week ending Tuesday, 26 June, EUR net-short positioning extended further from 45% to 48%, the one-year high of net shorts, notes the ...
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Now a combination of U.S. protectionism, European populism and emerging market turmoil threatens to push the yen even higher in the second half, ...
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Global foreign-exchange reserve managers cut yen holdings by the most since 2008 in the first quarter as the incentive for holding Japan's currency ...
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The number of board members whose compensation totaled 100 million yen (about $902,000) or more among listed companies whose fiscal year ...
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SÃO PAULO — O dólar comercial começou o semestre com ganhos. A moeda americana encerro o pregão cotada a R$ 3,912, um ganho de 0,59% ...
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Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı'nın verisine göre, Haziran ayı öncü ticaret açığı, bir önceki yıla göre yüzde 8.9 azalarak 5.51 milyar dolara indi.
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... EURGBP= 0.8857 0.8855 +0.02% -0.29% +0.8857 +0.8848 NZ Dollar/Dolar NZD= 0.6713 0.6714 -0.01% -5.26% +0.6714 +0.6716 Dollar/Norway ...
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Dow Jones,Nasdaq,Oil,
Technology and energy companies led an advance in the Stoxx Europe 600 Index, while futures on the S&P 500, Dow Jones and Nasdaq all pointed ...
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Oil futures were on the rebound Tuesday, on the heels of a pullback led by the Brent benchmark, as investors pushed aside higher output concerns ...
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Dow Jones futures rose Tuesday morning, along with S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq futures, on crude oil, China and Germany. On Monday, the Dow ...
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