martes, 5 de junio de 2018

World’s largest diamond miner De Beers to sell synthetic stones

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Diamond News Digest
Wednesday 6 June 2018
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After vowing for over a century it would never sell stones made in laboratories, De Beers will start doing so in September.

No longer under water.

The company, which began operations a year ago, said the move seeks to strengthen its communication with key stake holders and consumers.

The white octahedron of "top clarity" is the largest gem quality diamond and fourth largest stone ever recovered at the company's Gahcho Kué mine, located in Canada's Northwest Territories.

Signet Jewelers is the first diamond ornaments maker to join De Beers-led blockchain pilot program, Tracr.

With the discovery, the miner has already exceeded the total number of diamonds of over 100 carats recovered in 2017.

Stone was recovered from the Neck zone of the Mothae kimberlite, not part of the current one-million carat Joint Ore Reserves Committee-compliant resource.

Despite mining contributing about 6 per cent of the country's GDP, a study revealed that almost six out of 10 of young Australians know nothing at all about mining careers.

The Farnese Blue diamond, which was passed down through European royal families for about 300 years, sold Tuesday for $1.4 million more than the maximum figure experts estimated it would fetch.

Chief executive Jean Sebastien-Jacques said the challenge for the industry is to ensure the benefits from the past frugal years are not lost against a backdrop of rising oil prices and increased political risk.

Stuart Brown has over 25 years of experience in the diamond industry and is the outgoing Firestone Diamonds chief executive officer.

The world's largest rough diamond producer by value will launch the tracking platform later this year, making it available to the whole industry.

Construction of a new open pit at the mine has been delayed until further notice.

The 25.97-carat rough emerald is considered both "rare and exceptional" given its size, colour saturation and clarity.

The DIVA museum has a butler that allows visitors to peek inside various rooms where precious treasures are kept.

Russia's Kristall cuts around 300,000 carats annually and generates revenue of around $200 million.

The 46-carat pink diamond is the largest coloured gem-quality stone ever recovered at the company's Lulo project.

The mine has probable reserves of 5 million tons at a grade of 31 carats per 100 tons and inferred resources of 10.3 million tons at 31 carats per 100 tons.

The Canadamark program verifies that diamonds are natural and untreated, and mined in Canada under a regulatory regime.

Petra has been hit by production delays, strikes, a confiscated consignment of diamonds and a strong South African rand.

Alrosa's 2018 production is expected at 36.6 million carats but its sales will be higher than its production – at about 40 million carats.

Forecasted industry fundamentals point to an environment favoring higher diamond prices over a period of at least the next four years.

Tracking metals across the supply chain has become increasingly important to businesses and consumers – with blockchain, there's no hiding anything.

Libert'aime by Forevermark offers a diamond jewellery range that has been designed with a young, fashion-forward self-purchasing consumer in mind.

James Kwantes, editor of Resource Opportunities, speaks with Ken Armstrong, the CEO of one of the more active diamond companies globally. 

ATAC's technical team is operating two diamond drill rigs on the Conrad Zone at the wholly-owned Osiris Project.

India seeks to import gold and diamonds for value-addition before exporting them.

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