miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

New tech can take us backwards; Coal has life in it yet; Kuenzel leaves Bluejay board

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Thermal coal not dead yet
Prices strength expected to continue
Metal Tiger takes 18% of Kalahari Metals
Metal Tiger expands Botswana copper exploration through $600k investment
Our next trick
Innovation is a wonderful thing but only when it's necessary
State of the Market: Mining Q1
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"The board sees no sign yet of a decision-maker"
Petropavlovsk publishes owners of CABS Platform and Slevin, who are trying to oust its board
Altius spin-out Aethon sees opportunities in Chile
Junior finding value in discarded family jewels
World Markets Insight
Copper price, equities gain

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Global exploration and development investment presentations 26-27 June
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Bluejay adds company secretary to the board
Garth Palmer to replace Greg Kuenzel as non-executive director
Goldex advisory board gains West African experience
Greg Hawkins will help develop the Korokoro project in Mali
New CFO for Fireweed
Eddy Yu replaces Hang-Ying Lin
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