viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018

Pebble developer craters after copper giant pulls out

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Mining News Digest
Saturday 26 May 2018
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Northern Dynasty stock drops 32% after pact with First Quantum to build giant Alaska copper-gold mine collapses.

Miners in recent decades have been over-exposed to dust, a University of Illinois researcher said.

A company executive says Vedanta is not looking to set up plant elsewhere.

According to Labrador Gold, the Florence Lake belt is significantly underexplored for gold compared to greenstone belts elsewhere in the world.

Codelco just achieved a new, less enviable mantle — the only major mining company with an all-male board and senior management team.

Codelco chief executive Nelson Pizarro said a strong copper price in early 2018 had offset the impacts of rising production costs.

Benavides had previously led Falabella, one of Latin America's largest retailers with operations spanning department stores, supermarkets, malls and more.

The Meghan Markle effect has spread to yellow gold jewelry, helping boost United States sales in the first quarter of 2018 with further gains expected.

Gold output in 2018 will now be between 505,000 and 515,000 ounces, compared with a previous forecast of 580,000 ounces, Centamin said.

Brazilian miner Vale SA expects iron ore output at its premier S11D mine to reach 58 million tonnes this year.

As the year has progressed, the underbrush has gotten thornier, Trump's progress on trade has slowed, and now it has likely stopped altogether.

Fighting between the Congolese army and a local militia in eastern DRC forced Banro to suspend operations at the Namoya gold mine for a month in mid-2017.

As follow-up to the audit, the environment minister issued two decrees that gave Freeport six months to overhaul management of its mine waste at Grasberg.

Iron ore is still a long way behind other commodity markets, such as crude oil, where paper trade exceeds physical by large multiples.

Demand for electric vehicles, using cobalt in batteries, could spark a deficit of cobalt as soon as 2022.

German car manufacturer Daimler also joined the RCI last month.

Despite its insatiable appetite for materials, India is yet to impose itself among the mining heavyweights like Australia, China or even the U.K.

While lithium today isn't the linchpin of Chile's economy (that would be copper), miners are aggressively expanding production.

Deripaska is now actively preparing the next step: reducing his stake in En+, the group which controls Rusal.

Physical gold demand remained subdued this week in most Asian hubs as prices rebounded following an initial dip.

Juniors are ready to soar when gold sentiment turns.

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