martes, 1 de mayo de 2018

De Beers, Botswana expand world's richest diamond mine

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Diamond News Digest
Wednesday 2 May 2018
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Debswana, the joint venture between De Beers and the Botswana's government, is seeking permission to deepen the Jwaneng mine to 830 meters.

The two companies will exchange past exploration information on areas prospective for diamonds in Zimbabwe and form a jointly-owned special purpose vehicle to develop and exploit diamond resources.

The Lerala Mine was opened in 2008 and had to be shut twice due to weak sales, until it was placed under judicial management last year.

The rock weighed 327 carats and it is a top white gem diamond.

The company's revenue jumped a whopping 174% in the first quarter of the year thanks to strong demand for its rough rocks and the sale of a 910-carat diamond, the fifth-largest ever found.

Project is located about 100 km south of Jwaneng, the world's richest diamond mine.

The machinery manufacturer logged earnings of $2.82 per share on revenue of $12.9 billion, surpassing expectations.

The UK miner, which is the world's top coloured gems producer, is also adopting a new technology to further drive transparency in the sector.

Revenue for the quarter ended March 31 climbed 44% to $172 million, while production jumped 20% to a record quarterly volume of 1,194,947 carats.

The gem's final price nearly tripled Sotheby's pre-sale estimate.

Alrosa's production fell by 17% in the first three months of the year mainly due to the halt of its Mir underground mine and lower-grade ores processed from the Jubilee pipe.

The world's top diamond miner will train artisanal and small-scale miners and provide them with tablets as well as a diamond "toolkit" to digitally track their stones throughout the supply chain.

A planetary "embryo" gave origin to the meteorite fragments that form the Almahata Sitta collection.

Arctic Star reports positive results from The Timantti Diamond project.

Recovered from the Karowe Diamond Mine located in Botswana.

Rapaport expects polished trading to continue slowing in the coming months.

The second largest ever private equity fund focused on mining closed in the first quarter – 13 funds aim to raise a further $4.9 billion in 2018.

The Farnese Blue, passed down through European royalty, goes on sale for first time as part of a Sotheby's auction to be held in Geneva, on May 15.

Gold and diamond companies joined with IBM to develop blockchain technology to track the origin of jewelry and ensure it is ethically sourced.

Namibia may scrap requirements for black ownership in mining as it seeks to woo investors to an industry that is rebounding with the commodities cycle.

China already actively seeking opportunities.

Former leader Robert Mugabe will have to answer questions next month about whether the state was deprived of $15 billion in diamond revenue.

The company raised prices a similar amount in its previous sale at the end of February.

The Responsible Mining Index, launched in Geneva on Wednesday, assesses the policies and practices of 30 large companies that produce 25 percent of mined commodities, from gold to copper and coal, operating in more than 40 countries.

Two flawless white diamonds each weighing in at more than 50 carats are expected to fetch more than $15 million when Sotheby's auctions them in May.

The agreement continues positive cooperation experience between the parties and expands bilateral interaction in line with new challenges of the market.

Petra Diamonds said it has finalised an agreement with its lenders for a waiver of its December 2017 debt covenant and a resetting of debt agreements.

Alrosa's total diamond sales in the first quarter 2018 amounted to $1.606 billion, the company said.

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