jueves, 5 de abril de 2018

Thinking ahead of current technology; Anglo to fund Inca's survey; Jubilee's Kabwe licence reinstated

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South32 takes on Inca option
Inca Minerals gains funding for Greater Riqueza geophysical survey from major
W Resources raises US$2.1m for tungsten projects
New money to go to developing Régua and Tarouca projects
Think ahead
Bringing in technology naturally removes some of the mining industry's few supporters
30 of the best Mining Projects in the world will be revealed in June
Discover the latest global exploration and development investment opportunities.
Mantashe to SA miners: do better
Comments come after petrol bomb at the Modikwa mine kills six
Jubilee's Kabwe mining licence reinstated
'Last chance' for BMR and Jubilee to build the Kabwe project
World Markets Insight
Orocobre, Anglo lower

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Define the current and future mining landscape in Sydney from 14-15 May
Join us as we discuss the strategic direction of the industry and the drivers for future growth.
Trade war threatens copper's comeback
Industry leaders from around the world about to converge on Santiago for global copper conference
Weatherly CEO quits
Craig Thomas out after eight years at copper miner
Eldorado looks to future in Greece
Positive arbitration ruling
ResourceStocks Sydney: highlighting new trends & hot commodities from 16-17 May
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