miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

Eldorado scores key win in row with Greece over projects

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MINING.com - your source for global mining news
Mining News Digest
Thursday 5 April 2018
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Ruling rejects the Greek State's motion that Eldorado's technical study for a metallurgy plant in the country's Stratoni Valley, was in breach of any agreements between the parts.

Silver-coated copper nanowires could be used to embed fitness trackers and health monitors into shirts.

Altamira Gold is mimicking big players' strategies in the Juruena Belt.

Trend is likely to continue says new gold mining industry study.

Company now owns 90% of Compañía Minera Teck Quebrada Blanca, which main asset is the namesake copper project in Northern Chile.

Mining companies saw its shares plummet along with metal prices on Wednesday as China announced additional tariffs on US products, a move experts say is likely to heighten global concerns of a tit-for-tat trade war between the world's biggest economies.

The leak in the pipeline, which carries slurry to a port in Rio de Janeiro state, occurred on March 12 and forced the miner to suspend operations until March 27.

All that can be said with confidence is that, for the next few years, both supply and demand will grow strongly.

Uncertainty around the Mining Charter and ownership levels have deterred investment in a sector that accounts for 8% of the country's economic output.

"A contributor to this performance in 2018 has been the underperformance of the royalty companies, which the fund has some exposure to."

Trafigura has already increased its foothold in nickel with an exclusive offtake agreement with Finland's Terrafame, that also produces zinc and cobalt.

India's Supreme Court in February quashed all iron ore mining permits in the southwestern state of Goa, one of the top producing states for the steel making raw material.

Healthy demand for molybdenum rich stainless steel, especially from the oil and gas industry, plus sluggish supply growth are expected to keep the price of this minor metal riding high.

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