viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

Copper pipeline lowest in a century

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Mining News Digest
Saturday 7 April 2018
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While appetite for copper-mining assets is picking up, a supply crunch is imminent, experts say.

Residents say the federal government is not fulfilling its commitment to the city.

Softbank $100 billion fund buys into Canadian lithium miner in first deal of its kind as race to secure electric vehicle battery raw materials heats up.

The Farnese Blue, passed down through European royalty, goes on sale for first time as part of a Sotheby's auction to be held in Geneva, on May 15.

The claims are located in the Cobalt-Gowganda mining district.

All the talk of a brewing global trade war may turn out to be more bark than bite, but investors in Chinese ETFs aren't taking any chances.

Deripaska is the main owner of the conglomerate EN+, which in turn is the co-owner of some of the world's biggest metals producers.

RBPlat is next to acquire 100% of the shares in Maseve, the holding company of the Maseve Mine.

Silver is extremely undervalued relative to gold, while speculators' silver-futures positions are extraordinarily bearish.

Queensland coal and mineral exports grew by $5.6 billion over the last 12 months.

The rapid proliferation of poisons in a widening variety of applications requires better monitoring and control.

Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. sees little interest in a listing among local investors.

The United States and China are ABB's two largest markets with around 20,000 employees in each country.

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