martes, 3 de abril de 2018

Better to be a coal mine buyer or seller?; Anglo suspends Minas-Rio operations; Dacian moves into production

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Anglo suspends Minas-Rio operations for 90 days
Full inspection of pipeline undertaken after two recent leaks
New Mowana finance and resource
Former Alecto Minerals trying to tighten up Botswana openpit mine operations
Getting away from the coal face
The question of Rio Tinto's exit and whether it is best to be a buyer or a seller
30 of the best Mining Projects in the world will be revealed in June
Discover the latest global exploration and development investment opportunities.
DRC miners propose sliding royalty scale
The sliding scale would give government an immediate higher share of revenues
Strike at Randgold's Tongon impacting operations
Tongon lagging production forecast, but guidance unaffected
World Markets Insight
Oz miners start quarter upbeat

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Define the current and future mining landscape in Sydney from 14-15 May
Join us as we discuss the strategic direction of the industry and the drivers for future growth.
Dacian now a gold producer
Rohan Williams-led company joins gold producer ranks
DRDGold gets shareholder approval
Shareholders vote in favour of West Rand Tailings Retreatment acquisition
"Paves the way to develop digital technologies that will reduce risk in… mining"
Sibanye-Stillwater extends sponsorship of Wits Mining Institute partner
ResourceStocks Sydney: highlighting new trends & hot commodities from 16-17 May
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