lunes, 5 de febrero de 2018

Private capital favours investing in copper over gold for first time

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Mining News Digest
Tuesday 6 February 2018
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New report shows private equity investment in mining jumped to $2.3 billion last year, with the bulk going into copper and battery metals.

Gold, copper prices gain as US blue chip index suffers worst points drop in history.

Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility says it needs 100 shareholders to co-file resolution at Rio's upcoming annual general meeting.

Some of the company's international mining partners include major names such as Glencore, China Molybdenum and Ivanhoe.

Randgold boosted divvy to $2 a share, after a year of record production and soaring profits, but warned the good times may be over soon as it's now facing demanding new regulations in Congo, one of its key jurisdictions.

The following graphic discusses key themes of the year such as central bank policy, European unity, China, cryptocurrencies, and emerging markets.

The Democratic Republic of Congo will seek greater control of the global cobalt market by engaging directly with car and battery manufacturers.

Increased automotive industry demand and a supply shortage boosted the price of palladium to an all-time high of $1,138.00 on Jan 15

Anglo raised the possibility it could start buying assets in SA, the latest sign of how much has changed in two years, when the miner was focused on selling.

The company aims to achieve output of the world's highest grade deposit of ilmenite in Greenland next year, its CEO said.

Elliott has previously urged BHP to change its structure, with listings in both Britain and Australia, but the company has resisted.

With metals from zinc to palladium trading at multi-year highs, four of the world's top producers generated combined free cash flow last year of about $87 million a day.

The mining sector in the world's top platinum producer has in recent years been laid low by soaring wage and power costs, depressed prices, violent social and labour unrest as well as policy uncertainties.

Platinum group metals production in South Africa rose 4 percent above the firm's guidance, to stand at to 1.19 million ounces.

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