martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

For Barrick the Pascua-Lama hits keep coming

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Mining News Digest
Wednesday 7 February 2018
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$429 million impairment on the stalled project after Chile environment agency ordered final closure.

New report shows world's mines produced all-time peak of 105 million troy ounces of gold in 2017 despite 9% drop in output in top producer China.

Country is backing Prospect Resources' (ASX:PSC) Arcadia lithium project, expected to generate that much revenue over eight years.

The Anglo American unit is also said to be eying exploration licences in Zimbabwe and Congo.

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file and Sandvik wants to use it for scale production.

Cyril Ramaphosa isn't even president yet and mining companies are already changing their tune on South Africa.

President and chief operating officer Mike Frasersaid company has received a number of offers for the assets, which it up for sale in November last year as part of a shift away from coal.

Gold demand rallied in the closing months of 2017, gaining 6% year-on-year in Q4 to reach 1,095.8 tonnes (t). However, overall demand for the full year fell by 7% to 4,071.7t, compared with 2016, according […]

Chile's economy is poised to improve by mid-year as rebounding copper prices and President-elect Sebastian Pinera's promise of business-friendly policies increase optimism among investors.

The following graphic discusses key themes of the year such as central bank policy, European unity, China, cryptocurrencies, and emerging markets.

New report shows private equity investment in mining jumped to $2.3 billion last year, with the bulk going into copper and battery metals.

The Democratic Republic of Congo will seek greater control of the global cobalt market by engaging directly with car and battery manufacturers.

Increased automotive industry demand and a supply shortage boosted the price of palladium to an all-time high of $1,138.00 on Jan 15

Anglo raised the possibility it could start buying assets in SA, the latest sign of how much has changed in two years, when the miner was focused on selling.

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