martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

De Beers on exploration spree as secures South Africa licences

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Diamond News Digest
Wednesday 7 February 2018
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The Anglo American unit is also said to be eying exploration licences in Zimbabwe and Congo.

The company, which last month found the world's fifth-biggest diamond in history at its flagship Letšeng mine in Lesotho, sold 21% more rocks in last quarter of 2017.

Consulting firm Deloitte has published what it says will be the top-10 global trends in the mining industry this year.

The stock fell by 21%, the steepest intraday decline since September, after the miner lowered production forecasts and confirmed that a stronger South African currency would knock annual profits.

Diamonds recovered during sampling at the project were not sufficient to produce a modelled diamond valuation, said the company.

The company beat expectations on Thursday with a 5% increase in 2017 production.

The world's largest mining and construction equipment maker beat market expectations for fourth quarter earnings and said its sales growth momentum is expected to continue in 2018.

Miner aims at selling around 40 million carats of diamonds in 2018 provided market conditions are favourable.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who took the post in November, has ordered an examination of both industries that may lead to the abolition of the 51% local ownership rule on them.

Karelian Diamond Resources was granted a four-year exploration claim in the Kaavi region.

The 149-carat, D colour, Type IIa rough diamond is the fourth high quality stone of over 100 carats the company has recovered so far this year at its Letšeng mine.

Move seeks to ensure the sustainability of Namdeb land-based operations.

The Australian miner has also unearthed the tenth +100 carat stone recovered from Lulo since mining operations began two years ago.

Firm is developing open platform that traces diamonds from mine to buyer.

Rampant violence and corruption are the norm in the mines of the southern Guayana region.

Massive find is believed to be the fifth biggest gem-quality diamond ever found

Deal provides the diamond giant with access to a production base outside Russia.

Russian miner said the price decline for rough diamonds was due to the changed sales assortment resulting from an increased demand for small-sized rough rocks from India.

The rival companies have unearthed three diamonds larger than 100 carats each.

Anglo raised the possibility it could start buying assets in SA, the latest sign of how much has changed in two years, when the miner was focused on selling.

With metals from zinc to palladium trading at multi-year highs, four of the world's top producers generated combined free cash flow last year of about $87 million a day.

The sale of 4,170 carats of Lulo diamonds achieved gross proceeds of US$9.14 million (A$11.43 million), representing an average price per carat of US$2,192.

Rio Tinto and The Perth Mint are delighted to unveil the first pavé set Argyle pink diamond gold coin.

Mining and metal companies are rediscovering the downside of rallying prices: higher costs.

Diamond market sentiment improved in January, with firm prices after retailers reported a better-than-expected holiday season.

The 119 diamonds recovered from the Little Spring Creek lamproite drill core samples included seven macro diamonds and 112 micro-diamonds.

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