miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

Southern Copper says Peru operations normal despite strike

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Copper News Digest
Thursday 23 November 2017
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This is the third strike this year over profit-sharing staged by the company's unions and it affects Southern Copper's two mines in the country — Cuajone and Toquepala.

Officials for the world's largest copper mine say they are "adjusting production processes."

Eritreans' case against Nevsun likely to proceed in Canada.

The LME has sent a directive to all suppliers asking them to detail how they guarantee "responsible sourcing" of the commodities they trade in the exchange.

The Vancouver-based miner wants to form a major new copper producer.

Canada's National Contact Point (NCP) said complains from an Alaskan group don't merit further examination, closing the file after only the initial assessment level of review.

The world's No. 2 copper and zinc producer has been trying to regulate small-scale and artisanal mining activities since 2002.

President Rodrigo Duterte's decision not only ignores demands from pro-mining groups but also from members of his own government, including the current environment minister Roy Cimatu.

Ontario is number one.

London hedge fund giant Lansdowne Partners lost a long-term bet against Glencore this year after the spectacular recovery of the miner took some by surprise.

Sorry Toronto and Perth.

"We have a strong sense of urgency," chief executive Andrew Mackenzie told reporters following the company's annual general meeting in Melbourne.

According to the UN Environment Program's latest report, most of the 40 significant mine waste accidents in the past decade have involved dams or other storage areas that failed.

The Swiss commodity giant is reportedly finalizing a $700-million deal with the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan to create a new base-metals royalty vehicle.

The pigments were likely obtained as a byproduct of sulfurous ore smelting.

The mining veteran could face competition from internal candidates, including former head of UK gas company Centrica, Sam Laidlaw, who now sits on Rio's board.

Hindustan Copper is making moves to expand its production and operations in India where the company has a monopoly on copper mining.

MINING.com talks to Sean Roosen, Chair and CEO of Osisko Gold Royalties about the future of the company and the gold royalty and streaming sector.

The mining giant will add those jobs during the next 12 months.

Aggregate market cap of the top 100 junior mining companies was up 7% to $12.2 billion, a level not seen since 2010, but the group significantly underperformed the Venture Exchange as a whole.

Community protests had forced the firm to halt output at Uchucchacua last week.

Profit margins are expected to end significantly higher this year, and this trend to continue over the next two years, a study by S&P Global Market Intelligence shows.

The Tanzanian gold producer, majority owned by Barrick, has been locked in a months-long dispute with the local government.

Africa largest untapped source of growth for industry and would provide huge opportunity, says Rio Tinto's chief executive of energy and minerals.

Overall commodity returns have been lackluster this year, and face more poor performance in 2018, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co.

The world's largest copper miner, Codelco, may see a boost in investment cash regardless of who wins next month's presidential runoff in Chile, as both candidates have vowed to end the state-run firm's funding of the military.

San José is a 5,580-hectare property that shows multi-element mineralization.

The company's new strategy includes a pre-feasibility study that envisions a high-grade underground mine and puts on hold development plans for the project's larger open-pit deposit.

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