jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

LME launches probe on cobalt suppliers over fears of child exploitation

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Europe News Digest
Friday 24 November 2017
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The LME has sent a directive to all suppliers asking them to detail how they guarantee "responsible sourcing" of the commodities they trade in the exchange.

Baltania OÜ wants to supply clean energy to utility companies in Nordic countries and Central Europe.

Spain's National Audience dismissed a series of allegations presented by Berkeley Energia against a legal action filed by a group of environmentalists who oppose the company's uranium project.

It's a high quality 202-carat, D colour type IIa rock found at Letšeng mine, the world's highest dollar per carat kimberlite diamond operation.

Polyus starts 180,000m drilling campaign to update mineral reserve as early as July for 58 million ounce Sukhoi Log deposit explored since 1960s.

The company said if long-delayed permit for its massive iron ore mine is not issued next month as expected, it would have to shut it by Sep. 2018.

They are puzzled by the finding of 21 Islamic gold dinars at an abbey in eastern France.

London hedge fund giant Lansdowne Partners lost a long-term bet against Glencore this year after the spectacular recovery of the miner took some by surprise.

Nearly 20 countries have joined a British-Canadian initiative to phase out coal from power generation before 2030.

HSBC referred to the company as a "sector leader at a discount".

The Swiss commodity giant is reportedly finalizing a $700-million deal with the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan to create a new base-metals royalty vehicle.

The Arkyd-6 spacecraft includes core technology that will be used in the company's asteroid exploration program.

The mining veteran could face competition from internal candidates, including former head of UK gas company Centrica, Sam Laidlaw, who now sits on Rio's board.

EDF has been experiencing delays in restarting some of its nuclear reactors.

Miner said it would the project back into "care and maintenance" and re-assess its investment in it upon approval and receipt of required permits.

The large rough, gem-quality stones range from 82 to 163 carats.

The Danish equipment manufacturer has completed its acquisition of Sandvik Mining Systems' projects business except for transfer of assets in South Africa.

Producer offers 38.5% cash premium for AuRico Metals developing the Kemess gold and copper project in British Columbia, Canada.

Results of a preliminary economic assessment have revealed the potential for the development of an underground mine at the company's mine in Botswana.

The de-risking milestone is for the company's Sonora project in Mexico, expected to produce 35,000 tonnes a year of lithium carbonate.

Doomsday preppers in North America bet on bitcoin; cryptocurrency is starting to impinge on gold's appeal.

Debmarine Namibia, a 50/50 joint venture between the country and De Beers Group, tis planning for the construction of the world's largest custom-built diamond mining vessel.

Katanga, which operates cobalt and copper mines in the DRC, said Aristotelis Mistakidis, Liam Gallagher and Tim Henderson had tendered their resignations.

"Hedging by means of long-term (supplier) contracts is [] way to control such new issues (of securing materials supplies)," says VW head of sustainability.

The LME said in a notice to users that the resignation would be effective at the close of business on Nov. 24.

A consultation with users on the fee will start on Nov. 22 and end on Jan. 12 with a view to beginning charges from April 3, the LME said in a statement.

The Critical Investor profiles a company exploring a high-grade zinc property, and explains why he believes the upcoming PEA could surprise markets.

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