martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

Canada’s Goldcorp challenges you to disrupt mining

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Mining News Digest
Wednesday 29 November 2017
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Miner is calling companies and individuals to participate in #DisruptMining, a challenge aimed at accelerating the pace of innovation in the sector by thinking differently and seeking cross-sector collaboration.

They say the mining industry is being asked to achieve thousands of years of natural soil development in under a decade.

Found during an excavation at Glenfield Park, Leicestershire, the collection is unprecedented in terms of the overall mix of findings.

Analyst Hui Shan said that Goldman's projections see iron ore falling to $60 a ton in three months, $55 in six and $50 in 12.

It's expected to help Atlantic Canada offshore production rise 44% to 307,000 bpd by 2024.

Taconite-pellet plants and ore-concentrating firms produced 29 million tonnes last year, down from 33 million tonnes in 2015.

More than 130 potential buyers have already registered to participate in Wednesday's online sale of the five-diamond collection, which includes the giant 51.4-carat Dynasty.

The world's No.1 miner is targeting as much as $1.6 billion in productivity gains at its iron ore, copper and coal units in the country over the next two years.

There are only 8 companies in London that crack the $1B valuation.

The jewel was designed by the Prince himself.

The activists oppose Hudbay's Rosemont Project in the Santa Rita Mountains.

We have a tie.

Pan Mine's production in October totaled 425,634 tonnes of ore and 473,803 tonnes of waste.

Three reasons why every mining firm with legacy sites should take a look at the renewable energy opportunity.

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