martes, 15 de agosto de 2017

UK lithium start-up gets $1.3 million to build new mine in Cornwall

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Lithium & Rare Earth News Digest
Wednesday 16 August 2017
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Claims that Cornwall is sitting on a multibillion-dollar lithium bonanza will soon be tested as newcomer Cornish Lithium has now enough money to start exploring the region.

Brad Halverson has spent nearly three decades with the mining and construction equipment maker.

These courses can help you identify and evaluate the risks involved in mining investments before it's too late.

This is the second time this year the equipment giant boosts sales and profits forecast.

The country's ultimate objective is to have its own space mining agency by the end of the year.

The rise of electric vehicles is driving the world's biggest mining house, BHP , to switch gears and invest heavily in its long-suffering nickel business.

Producers of processed lithium – an essential element for batteries used in electric cars – are agreeing long-term contracts with their customers to fund the investments needed to address a looming shortfall.

Any news about energy storage advancement is bound to make a splash. After all, storage is the main stumbling block for renewable energy.

Hardly a day goes by without another media report about the impending demise of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) as petroleum powered cars and trucks are replaced by uber-clean Electric Vehicles (EV).

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