lunes, 14 de agosto de 2017

UK lithium start-up gets $1.3 million to build new mine in Cornwall

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Mining News Digest
Tuesday 15 August 2017
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Claims that Cornwall is sitting on a multibillion-dollar lithium bonanza will soon be tested as newcomer Cornish Lithium has now enough money to start exploring the region.

More than 6,000 pieces of jade were exhibited

They are protesting against expansion plans by Zandor Capital, a subsidiary of Canadian-based Gran Colombia Gold, and also in opposition to Bill 169

Industry highlights the topics they would like government officials to address during the Energy and Mines Ministers' annual conference

The world's top diamond producer by output in carats still expects to produce about 39 million carats this year.

The diamond miner decided to offload those units to focus on its Tongo-Tonguma project in Sierra Leone, which has the potential to generate earnings of $45 million a year.

Azerbaijan's top gold producer will begin production there next month.

Total in-situ are earth oxides are estimated to be in the range of 47 to 67%.

Bigger-than-expected shareholder support in Vale SA's stock conversion plan could lead the world's No. 1 iron ore producer to accelerate the listing of common shares in Brazil's strictest market segment and lure a boarder base of investors.

A study of Roman coins has shown how the defeat of Hannibal and the Carthaginian empire led to coinage spreading across the Roman Empire from silver mines in Spain.

The outlook for precious metals has changed quite a bit over the last month.

The two men accused of murdering Bennett Hartfield, the former president and CEO of Patriot Coal, are heading to trial in the next two months.

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