martes, 8 de agosto de 2017

Good and bad news from Japan-China oil sands projects in Canada

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Oil Sands News Digest
Wednesday 9 August 2017
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On the bright side, the companies have started production of ultra-heavy crude oil at their Hangingstone Oil Sands Project in Alberta

It's sounds too good to be true, but a new company is proving miners they can foresee opposition or any other form of social conflict related to their projects, before they even attempt going through […]

Without new pipeline capacity, more oil will move by rail, two new studies warn

These courses can help you identify and evaluate the risks involved in mining investments before it's too late.

Some of the worst fires, raging in BC's interior, have grown overnight.

Last week, crude oil rallied the most so far this year, gaining more than 8 percent, or $4 per barrel.

Hardly a day goes by without another media report about the impending demise of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) as petroleum powered cars and trucks are replaced by uber-clean Electric Vehicles (EV).

And vanadium has bottomed.

The energy sector accounts for a significant part of Canada's prosperity. The industry is the single largest private sector investor, employing more than 425,000 people.

Low oil prices are still causing big problems for many countries

"Lithium is the new oil," goes the saying in electric vehicle (EV) circles.

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