domingo, 6 de agosto de 2017

Goldcorp closing 107-year-old Dome mine

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Mining News Digest
Monday 7 August 2017
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It's the end of an era for one of Canada's oldest and most prolific gold mines.

The company that unearthed the world's second-largest diamond but has so far failed to sell it, is mulling a partnership to sell the giant stone if a buyers is not found within the next six to eight weeks.

The threat of a strike at one of British Columbia's biggest mines is no longer hanging over employees and management.

Donkin coal mine, in Cape Breton, has had at least 10 compliance orders and 29 warnings since it began producing in February, a report claims.

Any news about energy storage advancement is bound to make a splash. After all, storage is the main stumbling block for renewable energy.

NexGen Energy Ltd. (NXE:TSX; NXE:NYSE.MKT) announced its maiden preliminary economic assessment (PEA) of the "basement-hosted" Arrow Deposit on July 31.

In 1517, Michelangelo climbed Mount Altissimo in Tuscany and found the marble of his dreams.

The gold miners' stocks have suffered a lackluster year so far, mostly lagging gold's solid new upleg.

South Africa's mineral resources department has withdrawn its plan to impose a moratorium suspending the issuance of new mining and prospecting rights, which had drawn a court challenge by an industry group.

BHP Billiton is looking for ways to shore up power supply and bring down power costs at its Olympic Dam copper mine in Australia, as it plans to expand following a string of electrical outages, the mine's head said on Friday.

With the closing of the Coricancha acquisition, Great Panther expands its operations into Peru. In this interview with The Gold Report, CEO Robert Archer discusses the plans for operating Coricancha, the company's growth strategy and his decision to step down as CEO.

SPDR Gold Trust, the world's largest physically-backed gold fund, saw its holdings drop more than 7 percent in July, as investors dumped bullion for other assets like equities and led it to its biggest monthly decline since April 2013.

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