martes, 8 de agosto de 2017

Copper price jumps to highest since 2014

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Mining News Digest
Wednesday 9 August 2017
Home     Gold     Coal     Copper     Iron Ore     Oil Sands     Rare Earth     Silver     Uranium

Customs data show rebound in Chinese copper imports in July.

On the bright side, the companies have started production of ultra-heavy crude oil at their Hangingstone Oil Sands Project in Alberta

Tiny flecks of gold could be used in the fight against cancer

The junior miner wants Toronto's Roscoe Postle Associates and Perth's GR Engineering Services to undertake a Preliminary Economic Assessment of its Diablillos silver-gold project

SEF Canada is launching "Clean Gold Community Solutions" in Ecuador

While the Yukon only produced 2.2% of Canada's gold in 2016, the territory's considerable potential may finally be getting realized in a big way.

Producers of processed lithium – an essential element for batteries used in electric cars – are agreeing long-term contracts with their customers to fund the investments needed to address a looming shortfall.

Platinum miner Lonmin Plc said on Monday it would cut costs and sell some assets, including processing capacity of up to 500,000 ounces per year, as it battles to overcome a weak market and to preserve jobs.

Japan's Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd. said on Tuesday it will exit from a nickel exploration project in the Solomon Islands because of slumping nickel prices and the loss of a legal dispute over mining rights in the country.

Tiny flecks of gold could be used in the fight against cancer

The accident happened in Kashmir

Oreninc Index jumps as gold falls.

Lior Gantz, founder of Wealth Research Group, explains why the gold exploration sector is worth taking a look at now.

1 Day Spot Gold Price
1 Month Copper Price
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