lunes, 10 de julio de 2017

Workers vote to strike at Antofagasta, Barrick mine in Chile

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Mining News Digest
Tuesday 11 July 2017
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Zaldívar produced more than 100,000 tonnes of copper last year.

Rapidly spreading wildfires in British Columbia disrupted operations at two mining companies and damaged public utilities on Monday as 14,000 people were forced from their homes in the interior of the Western Canadian province.

The world's largest diamond producer by output said market has refound its balance.

The lender has been evaluating its pipeline-related policy for months and said it may make the decision of not financing those kinds of project permanent before year-end.

The Alto Pará property covers an area of 70,498 ha of land and is located near Itaupu, the second largest hydro-electric dam in the world.

Deal gives Eldorado full ownership of the Lamaque project near Val-d'Or, Quebec, which is expected to produce 123,000 ounces of gold at all-in sustaining costs of US$634 per ounce over 10 years.

Physical demand for gold has been surging in India since January.

Mining magnate and philanthropist Ross Beaty joins other prominent Canadians in being among those awarded membership in the 2017 Order of Canada.

Cuba plans to produce 54,500 tonnes of nickel and cobalt sulfides this year, state-run television said at the weekend.

Four miners were killed in an explosion at the Zapolyarny Mine, part of the Polar Division of Norilsk Nickel.

Another international oil company is marking its exit from Canada's energy sector – this time Houston-based Apache Corp.

Oreninc Index dives as gold close to US$1,200/oz.

Twelve companies from seven countries have applied to manufacture lithium-linked products in Chile, officials told journalists on Monday, in what they called a victory for the mining country's push to add value to its exports.

Study shows Q2 2017 new private capital for natural resources investment dropped to lowest since 2011 and not a single mining fund were able to raise money.

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