martes, 11 de julio de 2017

Rio Tinto in search of the next Escondida mine in Chile

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Mining News Digest
Wednesday 12 July 2017
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The so-called Palmani project aims to discover and characterize the mining potential of an area located in Chile's extreme north, at about at 2,100 metres of altitude.

First discovered in 1961, Sukhoi Log in eastern Russia holds 62.8 million ounces of gold.

Beijing's shuts 120 million tonnes of low-grade steel capacity in six months providing a boost for high-quality ore exporters.

Some of the worst fires, raging in BC's interior, have grown overnight.

India's gold imports in June more than tripled from a year ago

Indonesia says it will invite the head of mining giant Freeport McMoRan Inc to Jakarta this month to try to settle a festering dispute over a new deal to operate the world's second-largest copper mine.

Another $30 million will go to help fund 12 projects that tackle methane emissions in the province.

The rebalancing of the GDXJ and other factors offer buying opportunities in the precious metals space, says Ralph Aldis, portfolio manager at U.S. Global Investors, who discusses a number of companies he believes offer good value in today's marketplace.

"We got the results back and they were off the canoe!" declares prospector John Robins in his Vancouver office Thursday, recalling the 2002 Aviat diamond discovery now controlled by Stornoway Diamonds.

BC Forest Fires – Central Interior

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