viernes, 14 de julio de 2017

North Korea ban lifts coking coal price

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Mining News Digest
Saturday 15 July 2017
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Met coal hits 2-month high Friday as Chinese imports of steelmaking coal from totalitarian state drops 75% during first half of the year.

The company identified a group 2 kimberlite pipe in an area known by its high-grade diamonds.

The suspension follows a pending a judgement in an urgent interdict application by the country's Chamber of Mines.

It means that the miner, which had revenue of $1bn last year, will pay about $31 million extra in royalties a year.

Uranium improved to an 8-week high this week, but consensus forecasts are for a 35% rise over the next 12 months.

China, with its massive aluminum sector and equally massive exports, stands accused, but the real smelter killers were much closer to home.

The Resolution copper project in Arizona would be a prototype for a looming era of more invasive US mines as companies run out of easy-to-reach deposits.

The Critical Investor discusses a proposed business combination that would transform an explorer into a developing producer with major assets in Nevada.

An updated resource estimate and PEA in Q3/17 by a large exploration company will include plans for expansion after steady progress and a recent high-grade discovery at its Mexico project.

Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger examines recent GOLD COT reports and discusses the role of Commercials and Large Speculators in gold's price movements.

One of the primary keys to success in investment and speculation is picking the right stocks to trade. That's no mean feat, as it takes great effort, expertise, and time to winnow the whole field down to the likely winners with the best fundamentals.

Working 50 metres (164 feet) under ground with minimal air supply, Uuganbaatar is one of thousands of Mongolians trying to make a living digging for coal.

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