miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

AT&T and Sprint spill the beans on Nexus 6 pricing

If you’ve been wondering just how much a Nexus 6 will set you back if you’d rather not pay Google $649 up front, your wait is over. Following early T-Mobile info, both AT&T and Sprint have divulged launch details for Android 5.0 Lollipop’s poster child. AT&T’s pre-orders start on November 12th, when it will sell the giant smartphone for a hefty $250 on contract, $23 per month over two years or $683 outright. Sprint will have the new Nexus in-store on November 14th, when you can get it for either $29 per month or $696 total. Both carriers are roughly on par with T-Mobile ($27 per month), but it’s evident that the carriers aren’t giving Google special treatment. This is a flagship device, and the networks are p ricing it accordingly. As for Verizon? Big Red tells us that it still isn’t ready to reveal its plans — don’t be surprised if its Nexus 6 variant arrives fashionably late.

Update: Looks like T-Mobile is pushing back the launch ’til November 19th.


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